

As a family owned and operated business pesticide since 2009, we tried to teach ourselves to fight harmful pests and insects naturally without harming us, our pets, children and most of all – our environment. While we learned it the hard way, we bring to you an easy way – Fier Eco Shot – an all-around natural pesticide to put an end to the most common insects and pests found in your homes and gardens.


Our Story

What began as a quest for an effective wasp and hornet control for us, ended up with the birth of a 100% natural, fast-acting and eco-friendly pesticide that we named as “Fier Eco Shot”.

After lots of experimentation and trial and error with the product, we discovered that this non-toxic concentrated solution gave 50 times in volume of usable and effective pesticide. By diluting it in different proportions and adding other commonly available ingredients like vinegar, Fier Eco Shot not only effectively controls most common pests found in homes, gardens and on pets, but is also suitable for organic gardening. 


Fier Eco Shot It is an all-natural formula for all of you who wish to keep toxic chemical sprays and insecticides out of your homes.

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